Large pothole in Indianapolis IndianaAs we near the end of spring in Indianapolis, potholes are once again becoming a common sight. While they may seem like a mere annoyance, potholes can range from mildly inconvenient to downright dangerous. Take this three-foot-deep pothole on the east side of Indianapolis, for example - it became so large that cars and trucks were getting stuck in it.

If you find yourself on the wrong end of a pothole or other road hazard, keep in mind that potholes aren't the only hazards on the road, and if you've been injured in an Indianapolis auto accident caused by someone else's negligence, you may need legal representation.

If you're aware of a pothole that needs attention, report it to the Indiana Department of Transportation. If a pothole has damaged your vehicle, file a claim with the city of Indianapolis as soon as possible by calling the Mayor's Action Center at 317-327-4MAC (4622), or visiting their website. It's important to act quickly, as you may have only 180 days to file a claim. Keep any documentation, including receipts for car repairs.

While potholes can be expensive and dangerous to property, they can also cause serious bodily injury or even death. For example, imagine you're driving when the car next to you swerves to avoid a pothole, causing you to crash into a pole and suffer a serious injury. Even though the pothole may have caused the other driver to swerve, they may still be legally responsible for your injuries. If you've been hurt in an accident caused by a pothole or another hazard, seek legal representation. The Indianapolis car accident attorney team at Keller & Keller specializes in these types of cases.

Remember, potholes aren't the only road hazards that can cause dangerous accidents. Traffic cones, barrels, barriers, and signs are just a few examples of objects that can end up in the street where they shouldn't be. 

James R. Keller
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Partner at Keller & Keller
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